Sunday, August 15, 2010

Where my name comes from.

Well, I have an audience of four people now and three of you don't know where I got the name "NoSprings" from, so I'm justified in writing a self centered blog post about it.

"NoSprings"comes from "A Case of Spring Fever" which is an infomercial that aired back in the fifties regarding the merits of springs. Its a baffling little film created, I'm guessing, to battle some kind of anti-spring legislation working it's way through Congress.

It starts with a man working on his couch. When he wishes to never see a spring again, Springee the spring sprite shows up and removes the springs from everything. As the man tries to proceed with his day, he encounters problems with devices that no longer work because the springs have been removed and Springee gleefully cries "NOOO SPRINGS!!!" everytime, apparently thrilled at finally arriving at the defining moment of his existence.

The short was featured on Mystery Science Theater 3000 where its accompanied by one of the best riffs the show ever did. So thats where the name comes from.

Its 8 minutes, you can see it here.

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