Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Blue Lantern Superman Avatar.

Justice has been done.

Probably anybody reading this blog is familiar with the Blackest Night storyline from DC Comics. If not, trust me, you can find plenty on it with a quick search.

Anyway. The Blue Lanterns were introduced with rings fueled by Hope the way Green Lantern rings were fueled by Willpower. With the rise of the colors came the Blackest Night when Death tried to reclaim the universe using super powered zombies with power rings (I wonder how long the average DC citizen's sanity stays intact when they realize the universe is trying to eat itself and even suicide won't save them.)

Late in the war, one of each color had gotten together to combine their powers to kill the bad guy, but it didn't work, there wasn't enough of them. But each one was a leader in their group and had the ability to deputize one other person for 24 hours, temporarily giving them a power ring.

Red went to Mera (Aquaman's wife, I'm gonna trust she's the best choice.) Orange went to Lex Luthor (total win.) Yellow went to Scarecrow, okay looking good so far. Green went to Ganthet, well he's a Guardian, so sure. Violet went to Wonder Woman, because of her gift from Aphrodite. Indigo went to Atom (okay? I guess.) And naturally Blue went to . . . Barry Allen?

Okay what the hell Johns? Flash is cool and I'm really happy to have the Barry Allen version back, but I've never seen him as the embodiment of Hope. Thats Superman. A number of stories have presented him as icon of hope and his symbol is the kryptonian symbol for Hope (also his family crest.)

Well, I fumed and I raged but eventually I settled down. Then I went to Katana Woolley in Second Life and paid for a custom made one of a kind Blue Lantern Superman avatar. Add that to the list of reasons I fight for it.

I have a longer post coming tomorrow. But tonight, I'm going to take to the skies and be all hopeful and stuff.

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